FSMA Spotlights: Advocating For Sanitation Through Film- FSMA Short Film Festival Winners

In this webinar, FSMA Spotlights showcases the winners of the FSMA Short Film Festival, which was held at the 21st AfWA Congress & 7th International Faecal Sludge Management Conference.

The FSMA Short Film Festival aims to feature creative examples of how access to safely managed sanitation (or the lack of it) impacts the lives of people around the globe. We had a variety of stories from around the world that highlight the challenges and successes of those involved with improving sanitation worldwide or impacted by its absence. Our objective is to raise public awareness, so our emphasis is on creative storytelling.

The Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners join us to talk about the making of their films, the content, and some exciting follow-ups on the projects they're working on.

More information about the films below:

Gold - The Shhh Job: Sanitation for liveable cities ( https://youtu.be/lXJwrXI_QBk )


Lack of access to basic sanitation services can lead to disease outbreaks, especially among the poorest who depend on onsite sanitation and faecal sludge management. As Zambia works towards better access to sanitation for all it is important to recognise the important work done by front-line sanitation workers and to tackle the stigmatisation related to faecal matter and their work. This film throws light on the ways in which they help make Lusaka a healthy and liveable city.

Silver-Koko et Les Lunettes Magiques ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCNLEK5Ityw )

Afrika Toon

Popokro is a village in West Africa. The inhabitants there are sad and sick. In this village resides a family; The Popomi. This family hates hygiene, stripping it is their daily life. Led by the father Papa Popo, they allow themselves to defecate everywhere. The Popomi have a song: 'We do this everywhere and then it doesn't go somewhere... it doesn't kill the Popomi'. The inhabitants of Popokro refuse the hospital but prefer the healer Kpita. Koko, one of the children of the Popomi family still has some questions about hygiene.

Bronze- Sinnar: The Sanitation Journey of a city (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4H-DS7Tc0U)

CWAS, CRDF, CEPT University

This video captures the journey of Sinnar city to become a model city for sanitation with the support of CWAS, CRDF, CEPT University. The city resolved to pioneer scheduled desludging and set up an FSTP using its own funds.

Speaker bios to be added soon!

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A discussion.


The FSMA Spotlights webinar series aims to highlight key aspects and discussions around FSM and the sanitation service chain.

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Registration is free and open to the public.


  • Aditi Dwivedi (Program Lead at Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS), CEPT University)

    Aditi Dwivedi

    Program Lead at Center for Water and Sanitation (CWAS), CEPT University

    Aditi has been associated with CWAS since 2015. She leads activities related to communications at CWAS and supports projects related to digital technologies for improving WASH services. She has experience in faecal sludge and septage management, water security, capacity building, ESG assessments and behaviour change communication. In these aspects, she provides support to the city and state programs at CWAS. She holds a Master's degree in Infrastructure Planning from CEPT University and has done her Bachelor's in Physical Planning from School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi.

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  • Abel Kansouffle (CEO of AFRIKA TOON)

    Abel Kansouffle



    Abel is the CEO of Afriko Toon. He is the director of short, TV, animated films and series which have gained millions on views on YouTube.

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  • Aubrey Simwambi (Senior Engineer at Borda Africa)

    Aubrey Simwambi

    Senior Engineer at Borda Africa


    Aubrey is responsible for the content and quality of all technical works as well as the supervision of technical and social staff. Due to his knowledge and his kind personality, Aubrey is known and valued in the Zambian water and sanitation sector, and is the heart of the BORDA Zambia office. He joined BORDA in 2013.

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