FSMA Spotlights: Is it resilient? Developing standards for climate resilient non-sewered sanitation technologies
In this webinar, FSMA Spotlights: Is it resilient? Developing standards for climate resilient non-sewered sanitation technologies
Recent advances in enhancing standards for non-sewered sanitation (NSS) systems have been a critical step towards improving the quality of technologies for containing and treating human waste in low- and middle-income countries. They provide clear guidance to technology developers and decision-makers on what NSS designs will adequately protect human and environmental health. But to what extent do NSS standards need to account for extreme environmental conditions being stoked by climate change? And what does climate-resilient NSS technology look like in practice?
In this webinar, The Institute of Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS-ISF) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will present the latest thinking on climate-resilient NSS technologies. UTS-ISF will share key components of ClimateFIRST, a framework for assessing the resilience of sanitation technologies using 25 design features commonly used in resilient technology and infrastructure design. AIT will share findings from its Climate-Smart WASH Technology Catalogue that outlines the latest climate-related technological innovations.
Following the presentations, an expert panel will discuss the implications of emerging research and practice for the development of climate-resilient NSS standards and take questions from the audience.
This webinar will be of special interest to WASH professionals working on the development or regulation of NSS technologies.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A.
The FSMA Spotlights webinar series aims to highlight key aspects and discussions around FSM and the sanitation service chain.
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