FSMA Spotlights:Caribbean Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies
In this webinar, FSMA Spotlights the learnings from the new "Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies for the Wider Caribbean Region" for the FSM community. It is presented by the Compendium's co-author Stefan Reuter along with Dr. Dorothee Spuhler from the co-publisher EAWAG and Mona Mijthab, founder of the Mosan sanitation solution.
For the first time, Container-based Systems (CBS), as introduced during FSMA Spotlights in February 2022, are featured in the Compendium. Through the Mosan case study (a CBS) you will learn about the potential of this solution for densely populated urban settings (no pit required) and its strategic advantages when it comes to climate adaptation (no flush water needed). Recent research also shows its potential for climate change mitigation when it is combined with carbonisation and biochar storage in agricultural soils (even net-positive).
This Compendium brings a number of other new features such as case studies, and a specific section dedicated to relevant planning principles in line with the "Regional Strategic Action Plan for the Water Sector in the Caribbean to Develop Resilience to the Impacts of Climate Change".
The session equally highlights how the Compendium integrates the role of the new ISO standards for decision-making on FSM products and services.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A discussion.
*The banner image shows a picture from a mosan toilet in Guatemala
The FSMA Spotlights webinar series aims to highlight key aspects and discussions around FSM and the sanitation service chain.
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