Event Details
In this webinar, FSMA spotlights the presentation "Innovative sanitation opportunities in Burkina Faso, Cรดte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal", by Modou Fall.
More than 300 million people can have access to a basic sanitation service through the creation of an efficient market, favorable to the development and commercialization of new sanitation technologies, environmentally friendly, and allowing safe disposal and processing of faecal sludge to produce clean water and fertilizers.
This session shares use cases as well as interventions that are needed for a viable innovative sanitation market: demand creation, investment mobilization, development of supply, and enabling environment.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A discussion.
*The banner image shows a picture from a toilet business owner in Port Harcourt (Nigeria).
The FSMA Spotlights webinar series aims to highlight key aspects and discussions around FSM and the sanitation service chain.
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